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Configuring Streaming Behavior
Conferencing applications use
USB streaming
. The camera's USB stream is always enabled, and is
available when the camera is connected to a computer. The USB stream can be viewed using the
computer, either in a conference or using a media player.
IP streaming
protocols are available: RTSP and RTMP. IP streaming is off by default.
RTSP streaming
delivers an IP stream that people can access from your network using a media player.
This is the camera's default protocol for IP streaming.
RTMP streaming
sends a stream to a content service provider such as YouTube. No local preview is
available. To use RTMP streaming, you must have an account with a streaming service.
Your camera's web interface may differ slightly from the images in these procedures.
Viewing the USB Stream
Do one of these things:
Start or join a conference.
Open a stream viewer and select the camera as the video capture device.
The image below shows how you would select a ConferenceSHOT 10 camera as the capture device for
VLC Media Player. The media player will correctly identify your camera by model.
Complete Manual for the ConferenceSHOT AV Enterprise-Class Conferencing System
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