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Installing the Wall Mount
The camera is shipped with a wall mount. Other mounting options are available as well. Contact us if you
don’t have the camera mount you need.
You can install the camera wall mount to a 2-gang wall box or directly to the drywall.
If you mount it to drywall, use the wall anchors provided with the wall mount.
If you mount it to a wall box, use the cover plate screws supplied with the wall box.
This mount may be installed as shown, or flipped 180° so that the wall attachment is directly behind the
Basic Connections
Here is an example of how the camera might be set up in a medium-size conference room. (Shown:
ConferenceSHOT AV bundle – TableMIC 2.) In this setup, a PC uses a unified communications
conferencing application to manage the camera and connected microphones and speaker. When
connected in this way, the system provides echo cancellation.
Complete Manual for the ConferenceSHOT AV Enterprise-Class Conferencing System
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