Бензопилы AL-KO EKS 2000/35 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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M a in te n a n c e a n d c a re
A correctly sharpened saw chain reduces the dan-
ger o f kickback and prevents high levels of wear.
Do not w o rk with a blunt or damaged saw chain.
The consequences include physical strain, a poor
cutting result and high levels o f chain wear.
The saw chain must be resharpened when saw-
dust is produced during cutting, or if the saw has
difficulty cutting through the wood.
1. Switch off the machine and disconnect the
mains plug.
2. Check the chain tension and adju st it if ne-
3. Only use a suitable tool for sharpening:
Round chain file 0 = 4.0 mm
File guide
Chain gauge
These tools are available from specialist
4. The individual chain links consist o f a saw link
(15/3), saw tooth (15/1) and a depth limiter
5. Guide the file from the inside to the outside
of the cutting tooth, exerting slight pressure
and holding it perpendicular (15). A file guide
is helpful for handling the file correctly. 2 - 3
file strokes are sufficient.
6. When sharpening, maintain the angles (15)
on the cutting tooth and the height o f the depth
lim iter (15/2) in relation to the cutter. Make
sure that all cutting teeth on the chain have
equally length and w idth after sharpening.
7. If using the prescribed to o ls and the correct
handling, the specified angle values will be
obtained automatically. The values can be
checked with a chain gauge.
8. At the end, slightly round off the front part o f
the depth lim iter (15/2).
9. Sharpen the chain frequently, without remo-
ving much material.
10. Renew the saw chain as soon as the mini
mum cutting tooth length o f 4 mm (15) is re-
11. When the saw chain is sharp, it generates
large and long chips.
Damage to the machine due to incorrect
Uneven cutting teeth mean that the chain
runs roughly and may even break!
All cutting teeth must have the same
length and width after sharpening.
Danger o f fatal injury due to kickback!
A saw chain that is not sharpened cor-
rectly can lead to extrem ely serious inju-
Sharpen the saw correctly.
C le a n in g th e in t e r io r o f th e c h a in s p r o c k e t
Thoroughly clean the chain saw after each use.
1. Disconnect the chain saw from the mains and
place it on a stable base.
2. Unscrew the sprocket cover.
3. Clean the inside with a suitable brush.
4. Remove the saw chain and take out the chain
5. Clean the groove in the bar and the oil inlet
C h a in b a r
Turn over the chain bar after each chain sharpe
ning and chain change, in order to avoid one-si-
ded wear.
In the EKI 2200/40 and EKS 2400/40
models, it is necessary to change over
the quick-tension chain wheel on the
chain bar before turning. See Changing
over the quick-tension chain wheel.
Regularly check the guide rail for damage. Re
move any projecting burrs (16).
1. Carefully clean groove in bar (16/1) and oil in
let hole (16/2).
2. Carefully clean lubricating hole (17/1) from
both sides.
3. Use a suitable grease gun to pump in suffici
ent grease from both sid es in succession until
the grease em erges evenly at the tip s o f the
sprocket. Keep turning the sprocket when do-
ing this.
C h a n g in g o v e r th e q u ic k - t e n s io n c h a in w h e e l
1. Unscrew and remove Phillips screw (18/1).
2. Remove the chain bar, turn it and screw it
back on using Phillips screw (18/1).
A fter sharpenin g 3 to 4 tim es yourself,
have the saw chain resharpened by a
specia list workshop. T his also involves
resharpening the depth limiter.
440105 a
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