Проекторы Epson CO-FH02 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.
"Загружаем инструкцию", означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.
Turning On the Projector
If you have already connected the streaming media player, this
screen is not displayed.
When the paring screen is displayed, hold down the [Enter] button and
button on the remote control at the same time to pair the remote
control and the projector.
When pairing starts, the indicator on the remote control flashes.
When pairing is complete, the indicator turns off.
When the language selection screen is displayed, select the language
you want to use.
When the Wi-Fi setting screen is displayed, select the wireless network
you want to use, and then follow the on-screen instructions to make
necessary settings.
• An internet connection is required to view online content. Make sure
you can use the Wi-Fi service.
• The customer is responsible for any communication charges incurred
when downloading the app or watching online content.
When the login screen is displayed, sign in using your Google Account.
• You can download various popular apps and games on Google Play
by signing in with your Google Account.
• You can also create a Google Account on your computer or smart
When you have finished the initial setup, the home screen is displayed.
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