MONSHER MD 4502 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 70

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Step 3. Tension adjustment of the door spring

Step 4. Dishwasher installation steps

Please refer to the specified installation steps in the installation drawings.

1.  Affix the condensation strip under the work surface of cabinet. Please ensure 

the condensation strip is flush with edge of work surface. 

2.  Connect the inlet hose to the cold water supply.

3.  Connect the drain hose.

4.  Connect the power cord.

5.  Place the dishwasher into position. 

6.  Level the dishwasher. The rear food can be adjusted from the front of the 

dishwasher by turning the Philips screw in the middle of the base of dishwasher 

use an Philips screw. To adjust the front feet, use a flat screw driver and turn the 

front feet until the dishwasher is level. 

7.  Install the furniture door to the outer door of the dishwasher. 

8.  Adjust the tension of the door springs by using an Allen key turning in a 

clockwise motion to tighten the left and right door springs. Failure to do this could 

cause damage to your dishwasher. 

1.  The door springs are set at the 

factory to the proper tension for the 

outer door. If aesthetic wooden panel 

are installed, you will have to adjust 

the door spring tension. Rotate the 

adjusting screw to drive the adjustor to 

strain or relax the steel cable.

2.  Door spring tension is correct 

when the door remains horizontal in 

the fully opened position, yet rises to a 

close with the slight lift of a finger.



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