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TG Series User Guide
Reboot Now
to reboot the TG gateway.
After the TG gateway restarts, you can log in the Gateway using the new IP address.
Set up VLAN for the TG Gateway
When your local network gets large and has much traffic you need to consider setting up VLAN in
your local network. You need to consider using VLAN in any of following situations:
You have more than 200 devices on your LAN.
You have a lot of broadcast on your LAN.
Groups of users need more security or are being slowed down by too many broadcasts.
Groups of users need to be on the same broadcast domain because they are running the same
Note: Yeastar TG gateway acts as a VLAN client, you need to set up a 3-layer switch in your local
Navigate to
System > Network Preferences > Network Settings > VLAN
Choose a VLAN to enable it.
Get the VLAN information from your network administrator and enter the VLAN information on the
TG gateway.
, a reboot prompt will display on the bottom of the web page.
Reboot Now
to reboot the TG gateway.
Set up OpenVPN Network
You can set up OpenVPN network for TG gateway to allows users to share information privately
between remote locations, or between a remote location and a business' home network.
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