Rommelsbacher EKS 1510 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 30

Кофеварка Rommelsbacher EKS 1510 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Casing, brew head, 

portafilter, filter inserts and hot 
water/steam nozzle are getting hot 
during use!

Step 1:

Remove the water tank 
(previously remove the portafilter if 

Step 2:

Fill the water tank with fresh tap 
Observe the “MAX” marking!

Step 3:

Insert the water tank. 
Make sure the water tank is inserted 
as far as it will go on the gasket.

Step 4:

Position the portafilter without filter 
insert at the marking of the brew 
head and lock it by turning it to the 
right as far as it will go.

Step 8:

Start hot water supply.
Turn the rotary knob to the right. 
Dispense hot water until it comes 
without air. Use the water for 
warming the cups.

Step 5:

Place a vessel below the outlet of 
the hot water/steam nozzle.

Step 6:

Choose the function 
“espresso/hot water”.

Step 7:

Switch the appliance on.
The appliance heats up and the 
temperature pilot lamp glows red 
When the lamp exinguishes, the 
appliance is ready for use. The 
operation pilot lamp glows blue 

Step 9:

Stop hot water supply. 
Turn the rotary knob to the top. 
NOTE: The appliance carries excess 
water back into the water tank via a 
recirculation system!

Bleeding the system

•  In order to ensure perfect operation of the appliance it is important that the system is bled prior to initial use or after 

a longer non-use period.

•  If the water tank gets empty during use, the system will suck air which must be removed by bleeding the system.


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