Ecosoft P’URE Balance - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 29

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1. Measure time needed to fill the tank. Tank is filled when the dumping of the concentrate into 

the drain has stopped. The value obtained is dependent on the supply water pressure (pressure 

in water mains). 

2. Measure recovery (proportion of supply water that becomes purified). You will need 1 L (1 quart) 


measuring cup and a stopwatch.

Shut off tank valve 6, open faucet 3 and measure time that the unit takes to produce 1 L (1 quart)


permeate  (purified  water),  then  close  faucet  3.  Write  down  the  result  (



in  the  equation 


Disconnect the black tube connected to sink drain from drain saddle. Open faucet 3 and measure time 

that the unit takes to produce 1 L (1 quart) of concentrate (waste water), then close faucet 3 and open 

tank valve 6. Write down the result (t


 in the equation below). Calculate recovery using formula:



Where t is the number of seconds to obtain 1 L (1 quart) of water, R is recovery.

3. Measure TDS of supply water and TDS of purified water using a calibrated TDS meter. 

4. Check if the auto shut-off valve functions properly. Close tank valve 6 and faucet 3. The unit must 

stop operating (water should stop being discharged to drain) within 10 minutes. 

5. Check the unit for leaks. 

6. Advise unit owner on filter maintenance and encourage to read this manual. 

7. Make record of commissioning in the maintenance log in paragraph 9 of this book. 

8. The reverse osmosis system contains a replacement treatment component, critical for the effective 

reduction of total dissolved solids and that product water shall be tested periodically to verify that the 

system is performing properly.


Domestic reverse osmosis system is designed for purification of cold water only. 

If  the  filling  time of  the  tank  increased, this  means  that  the  pre-filter cartridges are worn  out  and 

should  be  urgently  replaced.  Delay  in  the  replacement  of  cartridges  can  lead  to  deterioration  or 

destruction of the membrane. 

To aviod such critical situations, it is strongly recommended that you 

change pre-filter cartridges at 

least once every 3 months


If  the  rate  of  filtration  drops  significantly  and  is  not  helped  by  replacing  pre-filters,  you  need  to 


replace reverse osmosis membrane. 

To enjoy purified water of consistent quality, it is recommended 

to replace the membrane at least 

once in 1-1.5 years

In case of prolonged downtime (2 weeks or more), it is necessary to sanitize the system as described 

in paragraph 7. 

If you plan on leaving for an extended while, it is recommended to shut off the water supply.


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