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Rinse aid and refined salt

Only use products which have been

specifically designed for dishwashers.
Do not use table salt or industrial salt, or washing
up liquid.
Follow the instructions given on the packaging.

If using  a multi-func tional p rod uc t it is not nec essary to ad d

rinse aid ; however, we recommend that you add salt,
especially if you live in an area where the water is hard or
very hard.
 Follow the instruc tions g iven on the p ac kag ing .

If you do not add salt or rinse aid, the LOW





 indicator lights

remain lit.

Measuring out the rinse aid

Rinse aid  makes it easier for the c roc kery to d ry, as water
runs off surfac es more read ily and  therefore d oes not leave
streaks or marks.
The rinse aid  d isp enser should  b e filled :
•  When the LOW RINSE AID


 ind ic ator lig ht on the c ontrol

panel is illuminated;

1. Op en the d isp enser b y turning
the lid  (G) in an antic loc kwise
2. Pour in the rinse aid , making
sure it d oes not overflow from the
d isp enser. If this hap p ens, c lean
the sp ill immed iately with a d ry
3. Sc rew the lid  b ac k on.

NEVER pour the rinse aid directly into the appliance tub.

Adjusting the amount of rinse aid

If you are not c omp letely satisfied  with the d rying  results,
you may ad just the q uantity of rinse aid  used . Use a
sc rewd river to turn the d osag e ad juster (F) to one of the 6
p re-set p ositions (the d efault p osition is set to 4):
•  If there are streaks on the c roc kery, set the ad justment

d evic e to a lower numb er (1-3).

•  If d rop s of water remain on the c roc kery or if there are

limesc ale marks p resent after the c yc le has finished , set
the ad juster to a hig her numb er (4-6).

Setting the water hardness

Every d ishwasher is eq uip p ed  with a water softener whic h, b y
using  refined  salt d esig ned  esp ec ially for this typ e of
ap p lianc e, sup p lies water without limesc ale whic h is then used
to wash the c roc kery.
This d ishwasher offers a setting  whic h help s to red uc e p ollution
and  op timises washing  p erformanc e in ac c ord anc e with the
water hard ness level in your area. This information c an b e
ob tained  from the org anisation whic h sup p lies your household
with water.
- Switc h the mac hine off using  the ON/OFF b utton and  op en
the d oor.
- Set the SELECT WASH CYCLE knob first to wash c yc le 5,
then to wash c yc le 1, then to wash c yc le 5  ag ain.
- Press the ON/OFF b utton; the wash c yc le p hase (washing ,
d rying , end ) ind ic ator lig hts will flash. It is now p ossib le to
selec t the water hard ness level. There is a water hard ness

level for every wash c yc le:
E.g .: wash c yc le 1, water hard ness level 1
wash c yc le 2, water hard ness level 2, etc . etc ., up  to a maxi-
mum of 5



(The d efault water softener setting  is level 3).
- To exit the func tion, wait a few sec ond s or p ress one of the

op tion b uttons


, or switc h off the mac hine using  the ON/OFF

b utton.
Even if using  multi-func tional tab lets, the salt d isp enser should
still b e filled .

(°d H =  hard ness measured  in German d eg rees - °f =
hard ness measured  in Frenc h d eg rees - mmol/l =  millimoles
p er litre)

Measuring out the refined salt

In ord er to ac hieve the b est p ossib le results using  a wash
c yc le, make sure that the d isp enser is never emp ty.
Refined  salt removes limesc ale from the water, thus
avoid ing  the formation of d ep osits on c roc kery.
The salt d isp enser is loc ated  in the lower p art of the
d ishwasher (

see Desc rip tion) and  should  b e filled :

• When the g reen float


 c annot b e seen b y simp ly looking  at

the c ap  of the salt d isp enser.

•  When the LOW SALT


 ind ic ator lig ht on the c ontrol p anel is


1. Remove the lower rac k and  unsc rew the
c ontainer c ap  (antic loc kwise).
2. The first time you d o this: fill the water tank
rig ht up  to its ed g e.
3. Position the funnel



see fig ure) and  fill the

salt c ontainer rig ht up  to its ed g e (this should  hold
ap p roximately 1 kg ); it is not unusual for a little water to leak
4. Remove the funnel* and  wip e any salt resid ue away from the
op ening ; rinse the c ap  und er running  water and  then sc rew it
on, the head  fac ing  d ownward s so as to let the water flow out
of the four c rac ks whic h are arrang ed  in a star shap e on the
lower p art of the c ap . (Salt c ap  with g reen float



It is advisable to perform this procedure every time you
add salt to the container.
Make sure the c ap  is sc rewed  on tig htly, so that no d eterg ent
c an g et into the c ontainer d uring  the wash c yc le (this c ould
d amag e the water softener b eyond  rep air).

 When nec essary, measure out the salt b efore a wash

c yc le so that any saline solution whic h has leaked  out of the
salt d isp enser is removed .


 Only availab le in selec ted  mod els.




Water Hardness Table 

Average salt container 

capacity duration













0 - 6 

0 - 10 

0 - 1 

7 months 

6 - 11 

11 - 20 

1,1 - 2 

5 months 

3  12 - 17  21 - 30 

2,1 - 3 

             3 months 

4  17 - 34  31 - 60 

3,1 - 6 

2 months 





34 - 50 


61 - 90 


6,1 - 9 


2/3 weeks 

For values between 0°f and 10°f, we do not recommend the  

use of salt



this setting may cause a slight increase in the 

duration of


the cycles. 


 for 1 wash cycle per day.


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