Indesit DFP 2727 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 21

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Half load

If there are not many d ishes to b e washed , a half load
c yc le may b e used  in ord er to save water, elec tric ity and
d eterg ent. Selec t the wash c yc le and  p ress the HALF
LOAD b utton: the ind ic ator lig ht will illuminate.

Remember to halve the amount of detergent.

 It is better to use powder detergent in this case.

 This option is incompatible with the following wash

cycle: Rapide wash.

Delayed start

It is p ossib le to d elay the start time of the wash c yc le b y
3, 6 or 9 hours.
1: After selec ting  the d esired  wash c yc le and  any other
op tions, p ress the DELAYED START b utton. the ind ic ator
lig ht will illuminate.
2: Selec t the d esired  d elay time b y p ressing  the Delayed
Start b utton rep eated ly; the wash p hase (3 hours), the
d rying  p hase (6 hours) and  end  (9 hours) ind ic ator lig hts
will illuminate in suc c ession.
If the Delayed  Start b utton is p ressed  ag ain, the op tion is
d eselec ted  and  the ind ic ator lig ht switc hes off.
3. The c ountd own will b eg in onc e the Start/Pause b utton
has b een p ressed . The selec ted  d elay p eriod  ind ic ator
lig ht flashes and  the Start/Pause b utton stop s flashing
(the lig ht b ec omes fixed  instead ).
3. Onc e this time has elap sed , the DELAYED START
ind ic ator lig ht switc hes off and  the wash c yc le b eg ins.

 The Delayed Start function cannot be set once a

wash cycle has been started.


 Only availab le in selec ted  mod els.

Wash options

The OPTIONS may only be set, modified or reset
after the wash cycle has been selected and before
the Start/Pause button has been pressed.

Only the op tions whic h are c omp atib le with the typ e of
wash c yc le set may b e selec ted . If an op tion is not c om-
p atib le with the selec ted  was c yc le 

(see Tab le of wash

c yc les), the c orresp ond ing  LED flashes rap id ly 3 times.

If an op tion is selec ted  whic h is inc omp atib le with an-
other op tion or wash c yc le selec ted  p reviously, the in-
c omp atib le op tion lig ht will flash 3 times and  switc hes
off, while the most rec ently selec ted  setting  remains lit.

To d eselec t an op tion whic h has b een set b y mis-

take, p ress the c orresp ond ing  b utton ag ain.






Table of 








1. Intensive 

Yes Yes 

2. Normal


Yes Yes 

3. Smart Sixty 

Yes Yes 

4. Soak


Yes Yes 

5. Eco


Yes Yes 

6. Rapid


Yes No 

7. Delicates 

Yes Yes 

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