Indesit DFP 2727 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 20

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Start-up and use

Measuring out the detergent

A good wash result also depends on the correct
amount of detergent being used; exceeding the stated
amount does not result in a more effective wash and
increases environmental pollution.


Only use detergent which has been specifically

designed for dishwashers.


DO NOT USE washing up liquid.

Using excessive detergent may result in foam

residue remaining in the machine after the cycle has

The use of tablets is only recommended for

models which offer the MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TABLETS

To achieve the best results from each washing

and drying cycle, powder detergent, rinse aid liquid
and salt should be used.

Compartment A: Washing  d eterg ent
Compartment B: Pre-wash d eterg ent

1. Op en c over C b y p ressing
b utton D.
2. Pour in the d eterg ent after
c onsulting  the 

Tab le of wash

c yc les:
•  For p owd er d eterg ent use
c omp artments A and  B.
•  For d eterg ent in tab let form:

when the c yc le req uires 1 tab let, p lac e it in c omp artment
A and  c lose the c over; when it req uires 2, p lac e the
sec ond  tab let at the b ottom of the ap p lianc e.
3. Remove d eterg ent resid ues from the ed g es of the
c omp artment and  c lose the c over until it c lic ks.






 Only availab le in selec ted  mod els.

Starting the dishwasher

1. Turn the water tap  on.
2. Press the ON/OFF b utton:  all the ind ic ator lig hts on
the c ontrol p anel will  lig ht  up  for a few sec ond s.
3. Op en the d oor and  p our in a suitab le amount of
d eterg ent (

see b elow).

4. Load  the rac ks (

see Load ing  the rac ks) and  shut the

d oor.
5. Selec t the wash c yc le b y turning  the WASH CYCLE
SELECT knob  in a c loc kwise d irec tion: alig n the notc h
on the knob  with the numb er or symb ol rep resenting
the d esired  wash c yc le. The START/PAUSE ind ic ator
lig ht will flash.
6. Selec t the wash op tions



see ad jac ent

7. Start the c yc le b y p ressing  the START b utton; the
ind ic ator lig ht will lig ht up  and  remain lit in a fixed
manner.  The ind ic ator lig ht c orresp ond ing  to the
wash p hase will switc h on, sig nalling  that the wash
c yc le has b eg un.
8. At the end  of the wash c yc le the END ind ic ator lig ht
will switc h on


(fixed  lig ht).  Switc h off the ap p lianc e b y

p ressing  the ON/OFF b utton, shut off the water valve
and  unp lug  the ap p lianc e from the elec tric ity soc ket.
9. Wait for a few minutes b efore removing  the
c roc kery, in ord er to avoid  b urns. Unload  the rac ks,
b eg inning  with the lower level.

- The machine will switch off automatically

during certain periods of inactivity, in order to
minimise electricity consumption.

Modifying a wash cycle in progress

If a mistake was mad e d uring  the wash c yc le selec tion
p roc ess it is p ossib le to c hang e the c yc le, p rovid ed  that
it has only just b eg un: onc e the wash c yc le has started ,
switc h off the mac hine b y p ressing  and  hold ing  the ON/
OFF/Reset b utton. Switc h it b ac k on using  the same
b utton and  selec t the d esired  wash c yc le and  op tions.

Adding extra crockery

Press the Start/Pause b utton (the c orresp ond ing
ind ic ator lig ht will flash). Op en the d oor, taking  c are to
avoid  the esc ap ing  steam, and  p lac e the c roc kery insid e
the ap p lianc e. Press the Start/Pause b utton (fixed  lig ht):
the c yc le starts from the p oint at whic h it was interrup ted .

If the Start/Pause b utton is p ressed  so as to p ause the

mac hine, the wash c yc le or the Delayed  Start


 func tion

(if selec ted ) is interrup ted .
At this stag e it is not p ossib le to c hang e the wash c yc le.

Accidental interruptions

If the d oor is op ened  d uring  the wash c yc le, or if there is
a p ower c ut, the c yc le stop s. It starts ag ain from the p oint
at whic h it was interrup ted  onc e the d oor has b een shut
or onc e the elec tric ity sup p ly is restored .

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