Посудомоечные машины Indesit DFP 2727 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Loading the racks
Only availab le in selec ted mod els. The numb er and p osition
may vary.
Before load ing the rac ks, remove all food resid ue from
c roc kery and emp ty liq uid s from g lasses and c up s.
After loading the appliance, make sure that the sprayer
arms can rotate freely.
Lower rack and cutlery basket
The lower rack can hold pans, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery, etc.
Large plates and lids should ideally be placed at the sides of the rack.
Several d ishwasher mod els are fitted with tip -up sec tions
whic h c an b e used in a vertic al p osition when arrang ing p lates
or in a horizontal p osition when arrang ing sauc ep ans, salad
b owls and frying p ans.
The typ e of c utlery b asket may vary (mod ular or non-mod ular)
according to the dishwasher model. The non-modular basket must
only b e p ositioned at the front of the lower rac k.
Both are fitted with
g rilles over the top ,
for imp roved c utlery
arrang ement.
Knives and other utensils with sharp ed g es must b e
p lac ed in the c utlery b asket with the p oints fac ing
d ownward s, or they must b e p ositioned horizontally in the tip -
up c omp artments on the up p er rac k.
Upper rack
Load this rac k with d elic ate and lig htweig ht c roc kery: g lasses,
c up s, sauc ers and shallow salad b owls.
Adjustable position tip-up compartments
The tip-up compartments
can be positioned at
different heights, to
optimise the arrangement
of crockery throughout
the rack. Wine glasses
can be placed safely in
the tip-up compartments,
by inserting the stem of
each glass into the
corresponding slots.
Adjusting the height of the upper rack
In ord er to make it easier to arrang e the c roc kery, the up p er
rac k may b e moved to a hig her or lower level.
The height of the upper rack should ideally be adjusted
NEVER raise or lower the rack on one side only.
Op en the left and rig ht g uid e rail stop s
and p ull out the rac k; p osition it hig her
or lower as req uired , slid e it along the
g uid e rails until the front wheels are in
p lac e and c lose the stop s (
see fig ure).
If the rac k is fitted with Dual Space
see fig ure), p ull out the
up p er rac k until it reac hes its stop
p oint, g rip the hand les at the sid es of
the rac k and move it up ward s or
d ownward s, then slowly let it fall b ac k
into plac e.
Items that should not be washed in the
Wood en items, ob jec ts with wood en or horn hand les or
g lued -on p arts.
Items mad e from aluminium, c op p er, b rass, p ewter or tin.
Items mad e from p lastic material whic h is not heat-resistant.
Antiq ue or hand -p ainted p orc elain.
Antiq ue silver. Silver that is not antiq ue may, however, b e
washed in the d ishwasher using a d elic ate wash c yc le,
p rovid ed that it d oes not c ome into c ontac t with other
We rec ommend the use of c roc kery whic h is d ishwasher