Ecosoft FK1054CEMIXC - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 31

Фильтры для воды Ecosoft FK1054CEMIXC - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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will not 

No electric power.

Check power supply.

No/insufficient salt in brine tank.

Chech the amount of salt in brine tank 
and add salt if needed.

Brine is not sucked in during 
regen., or not all brine is drawn.

See paragraph 6.

Control valve is out of order or 
settings were changed.

Check the control valve and its settings 
(see the manual for the control valve).

Brine tank is not refilled or is 
refilled with not enough water.

See paragraph 7.



will not 
draw during 
or not all 
brine will 

Low supply water pressure.

Check supply water pressure.

Clogged injector or brine tube.

Clean brine injector and/or brine tube.

Clogged basket or salt crystals 
on ball in air check valve.

Clean air check valve basket and/or ball.

High pressure drop on the filter 

(control valve, distributors or 

filter media are clogged).

See paragraphs 1 and 4.

Air is injected due to brine line 
not being airtight.

Check airtightness of the drain line.

Control valve settings changed. Increase brine stage duration.


 Brine tank 

is not refilled 
or refilled with 

less water 
than needed

Low supply water pressure.

Check supply water pressure.

Clogged injector or brine tube.

Clean brine injector and/or brine tube.

Stuck ball in the air check valve. Clean the air check valve.
Control valve settings changed.

Check the duration of brine tank refill and 

correct if necessary.



use of salt per 

Control valve settings changed. Decrease the amount of salt per 

regeneration in the control valve settings.

Brine tank filled with excess water.

See paragraph 9.


 Brine tank 

is refilled with 

excess water

High main water pressure.

Check water pressure. Install pressure 
regulator if needed.

Control valve settings changed.

Check the duration of brine tank refill and 

correct if necessary.



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