GRUNDIG GDSP2460BC - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 5

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Place the appliance in a way so that the 

plug is always accessible.


Do not touch the lamps if they have oper-

ated for a long time. They can burn your 

hands since they will be hot.


Follow the regulations set out by compe-

tent authorities on discharge of the exhaust 

air (this warning is not applicable for use 

without Chimney ).


Operate your appliance after putting a pot, 

pan etc. on the hob. Otherwise, high heat 

may cause deformation in some parts of 

your product.


Turn off the hob before taking the pot, pan 

etc. from it.


Do not leave hot oil on the hob. Pans with 

hot oil may cause self combustion.


Pay attention to your curtains and covers 

since oil may catch fire while cooking food 

such as fries.


Grease filter must be replaced at least 

monthly. Carbon filter must be replaced at 

least every 3 months.


Product shall be cleaned accordance with 

user manual. If cleaning was not carried 

out in accordance with user manual, there 

may be fire risk.


Do not use non-fire-resistant filtering ma-

terials instead of the current filter.


Only use the original parts or parts recom-

mended by the manufacturer.


Do not operate the product without the fil-

ter and do not remove the filters while the 

product is running. 


In the event of be started any flame, 

de-energize your product and cooking ap-



In the event of be started any flame, cover 

the flame and never use water to extin-



Unplug the appliance before each cleaning 

and when the appliance is not in use.


The negative pressure in the environment 

should not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10 bar) while 

the hood for electric hob and appliances 

running on another type of energy but elec-

tricity operate simultaneously.


In the environment where the appliance is 

being used, the exhaust of devices running 

on fuel oil or gas, such as room heater 

must be absolutely isolated or device must 

be hermetical type.


When connecting the Chimney , use pipes 

with a diameter of 120 or 150 mm. Pipe 

connection must   be as short as possible 

and have as few elbows as possible.

Danger of choking!

 Keep all the packaging 

materials away from children.


 Accessible parts may become hot 

when used with cooking appliances.


The product outlet must not be connected 

to air channels that include other smoke.


The ventilation in the room may be insuf-


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