Timberk SWH SE1 30 VO - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 10

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All the disorders in operation of the water heater should be fixed as well 

as putting of the appliance in long-term storage should be performed in 

appropriate service centres. The water heater must be prepared for long-term 

inactivity only by specially trained qualified specialists, because improperly 

performed repair can result in hazard during water heater operating.
You can ask the seller for the address of the nearest service centre or find it 

on the website www.timberk.com.

Table 3

Possible malfunctions and troubleshooting methods


If these actions have no positive result or the 

temperature limiter turns off repeatedly during a short 

period of time then you should unplug the water 

heater from the electrical main, cut off water supply 

and contact your local Timberk Authorized Service 

Centre for a consultation or repair of the appliance.


If water does not flow then the valve is damaged. 

In this case you must not use the heater; it is 

recommended to call for a service technician.

6. Bear in mind to check serviceability of the pressure safety valve every 14 

days. The inspection method is as follows: 
- turn the handle for draining to the upper position until you feel the change 

of thread, then water must start flowing out from the valve opening; after 

checking the water outflow return the handle to its initial position.

7. Wipe external surfaces of the water heater by a damp cloth with soap 

when necessary.


Possible causes

Troubleshooting method

Heating indicator light doesn’t light up, 
water is not heated

1. Temperature adjustment device 
is broken.

Contact a repairer, TIMBERK service 

2. Temperature limiter was actuated or 
was not switched on.

Switch on the temperature switch 
following instructions on its activation. 
(page 15)

3. Temperature limiter is broken.

Contact a repairer, TIMBERK service 

Water doesn’t flow from the hot water 
discharge cock

1. Water feed is cut off.

1. Wait until water supply is restored.

2. Water pressure is too low.

2. Switch on the water heater again, 
when normal water pressure restores.

3. Water supply exhaust valve is 

Water temperature is too high

Water temperature control system 
is damaged.

Contact a repairer, TIMBERK service 

Water leakage

Seal at the point of pipe connection 
is broken.

Replace the joint seal.

Water flows from the appliance’s case

Breaking of the internal tank 
(corrosion)Seal at the point of the 
heating element connection is broken.

Contact a repairer, TIMBERK service 

Heating indicator light lights up but 
water is not heated

1. Temperature adjustment device 
is broken.

1. Contact a repairer, TIMBERK 
service center.

2. Insufficient time for heating.

2. Wait until water is heated.

3. Heating element is broken.

3. Contact a repairer, TIMBERK 
service center.


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