2E 50A06LW (50A06LW) - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 57

Телевизоры 2E 50A06LW (50A06LW) - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Dear Customer! Thank you for buing the 2E product that has been 

designed and manufactured in accordance with and complying to the 

highest quality standards.

We ask you to keep the warranty card during the whole warranty 

period. When purchasing a product, ask for a complete filling in of the 

warranty card.

1.  The Warranty Card is valid only if the following informationis correctly and clearly stated: model, 

serial number of the product, date of sale, warranty period, clear seals of the company-seller, 

signature of the buyer.

2.  Service life of the product is 24 months.

3.  The product is intended for domestic use only. When using the product in commercial 

conditions the seller/manufacturer does not bear warranty obligations, the service is carried out 

on a paid basis.

4.  Satisfaction of the customer’s claim due to the fault of the manufacturer shall be made in 

accordance with the law of «On Protection of Consumers’ Rights».

5.  No warranty is given with respect to any consumer  violation of the operating rules set forth in 

the instructions.

6.  The product warranty service is cancelled from the in the following cases:


use for other purposes and not for consumer purposes;


mechanical damage;


damage caused by the ingress of objects, substances, liquids, insects into the product;


damage caused by natural disasters (rain, wind, lightning, etc.), fire, household factors 

(excessive humidity, dust, aggressive environment, etc.)


damage caused by non-compliance of power supply parameters, cable networks with state 

standards and other similar factors;


in case of violation of the seals installed on the product;


ansence of serial number of the device, or inability to identify it.

7.  The plant guarantees normal operation of the product within 12 months from the date of the 


* Tear-off maintenance cards are provided by an authorized service center.

The complete set of the product has been checked. I am familiar with the 

terms of warranty service, no complaints.

Buyer’s signature __________________________________________________________________


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