2E 50A06LW (50A06LW) - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 47

Телевизоры 2E 50A06LW (50A06LW) - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

Если остались вопросы, задайте их в комментариях после инструкции.

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Home page menu instructions

Using the T V’s home screen functions, Webos You can go to the home screen by pressing the ( ) button on the 
remote control.

Home page menu control

TV main screen control functions, Webos

You can view a list of all programs installed on your TV, change their location, or delete them.
You can carry out the necessary operations by following the prompts on the TV screen.



Enter the search menu. Provides access to search 
for various content and information, setting the 
desired conditions of search parameters. You 
need to make sure that the network connection is 
working properly.


Go to the main control panel.


Go to the last used input source.


Go to the last used application.


Go to the app store.


Go to the browser.


Go to the image and video playback menu.


Go to the music playback menu.


Go to the Edit menu.

10.  1Go to the settings menu.


Select the program you want to edit, press and hold the ( ) button on the remote control. This activates the 
program’s edit mode.


To move the program to the desired location, move the cursor to that location and press the ( ). button. In 
order to remove the program, click on the X icon above the program. You can move and delete any number 
of programs at once before exiting edit mode. You can also move programs using the 

 buttons on the 

remote control.


When you’re done editing, tap the X in the upper right corner to exit the app editing mode. The TV program 
cannot be changed.


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