Indesit W 431 TX - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 27

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Instructions for installation and use



Your safety and that of
your family

Important for the safe use of your washing machine

Your washer has been built  in compliance with
the strictest international safety regulations. To
protect you and all your family.

Read these instructions and all
the information in this manual
carefully: they are an important
source, not only of numerous
useful tips , but also of vital
information on safety, use and

1. the machine should not be

installed in an outdoor
e nv i ro n m e n t , 
  n o t   ev e n
when a roof shelters the
area, because it may be very
d a n g e r o u s   t o   l e a v e   i t
e x p o s e d   t o   r a i n   a n d

2. It must only be used by

adults and  exclusively for
washing clothes following
the instructions provided in
this manual.

3. Should it have to be moved,

proceed with the help of two
or three people and handle
i t   w i t h   t h e   u t m o s t   c a r e .
Never try to do this alone,
because the appliance is
very heavy

4. Before loading the washing

machine,  make sure the
drum is empty.

5. Never touch the washing

machine when barefoot or
with wet or damp hands
or feet.

6. Never use extensions or

multiple plugs, which  are
par ticularly dangerous in
humid environments. The
power supply cable must
n e v e r   b e   b e n t   o r
dangerously compressed.

7. Never open the detergent

d i s p e n s e r   w h i l e   t h e
appliance is functioning;
d o   n o t   u s e   h a n d   w a s h
d e t e r g e n t   
b e c a u s e   t h e
abundance of foam  could
damage its internal parts.

How to change the power supply cable

8. Never pull on the supply

c a b l e   o r   t h e   w a s h i n g
machine to disconnect it
from the wall socket: it is
extremely dangerous.

9. W h i l e   t h e   a p p l i a n c e   i s

functioning, do not touch
the drain water
  as it could
r e a c h   v e r y   h i g h
t e m p e r a t u r e s .    T h e
a p p l i a n c e   d o o r,  d u r i n g
w a s h   c y c l e s ,   t e n d s   t o
become hot; ensure that
children do no touch it.
Never force the washing
m a c h i n e   d o o r  
b e c a u s e
t h i s   c o u l d   d a m a g e   t h e
safety lock which prevents
accidental opening when the
nachine is working. Allow a
few minutes at the end of the
p r o g r a m   f o r   t h e   l o c k   t o

10. In case of malfunctio-ning,

first close the water tap
and unplug the appliance
from the wall socket; 
n o t   u n d e r   a n y
c i r c u m s t a n c e s   t o u c h
inter nal par ts in order to
attempt repairs.

I only want an authorised
specialised technician with
original  Indesit spare parts!

The power supply cable must only be replaced by one of our authorised Service Engineers.

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