Indesit W 431 TX - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 22

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You must follow the dosage
recommendations provided by
the manufacturers when adding
detergent or fabric conditioner.
Doses will vary according to the
wash load, the water hardness
and how soiled the washing is.
Experience will help you select
t h e   r i g h t   d o s a g e   a l m o s t
automatically: it will become your
E n s u r e   n o   o v e r f i l l i n g   w h e n
adding fabric conditioner in
compartment 3.
The washing machine automa-
tically adds the softener to the
wash in each programme.
Liquid detergent is poured into
c o m p a r t m e n t     j u s t   a   few
seconds before star ting the
wash cycle.
Remember that liquid detergent
i s   o n l y   d e s i g n e d   f o r   w a s h
cycles of up to 60 degrees on
non pre-wash items.

In compartment 1:
Detergent for pre-washing (powder)

In compartment 2:
Detergent for washing
(powder or liquid)

In compartment 3:
Additives (softeners, perfumes, etc.)

Useful tips about the detergent dispenser

It’s important for a good wash

The first secret is the easiest: the detergent dispenser is
opened by pull it outwards.

Special containers are sold with
liquid or powder detergents for
p l a c i n g   i n s i d e   t h e   w a s h i n g
m a c h i n e   d r u m ,   t h e s e   a r e
positioned according to the
i n s t r u c t i o n s   f o u n d   i n   t h e
detergent box
N e v e r   u s e   h a n d   w a s h
detergent, because it may form
too much foam, which could
damage the washing machine.
Detergents that are specifically
formulated for both hand and
m a c h i n e   w a s h   a r e   a n
One last secret: when washing
with cold water, always reduce
the amount of detergent you use:
it dissolves less easily in cold
water than in hot water, so part
of it would be wasted.

Cutting costs efficiently

A guide to environmentally
friendly and economic use
of your appliance.

Achieve the best use of energy, water, detergent and time by using the recommended
maximum load size.
SAVE up to 50% energy by washing a full load instead of 2 half loads.

For heavily soiled laundry only!
SAVE detergent, time, water and between 5 to 15% energy consumption by NOT
selecting Prewash for slight to normally soiled laundry.

Pretreat stains with stain remover or soak dried in stains in water before washing to
reduce the necessity of a hot wash programme.
SAVE up to 50% energy by using a 60°C wash programme.

SAVE energy and time by selecting the highest suitable spin speed to reduce the water
content in laundry before using a drying programme.

T h e   d e t e r g e n t   d i s p e n s e r     c a n   b e
removed and cleaned: pull it outwards,
as indicated in the figure. Then leave it
under running water for a few  minutes.



Instructions for installation and use

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