Indesit W 145 TX - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 21

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Useful tips


Never use your washing

machine to wash...

 torn, fraying

or non-hemmed linen. If it is
absolutely neccessary, place it in
a bag for protection. Do not wash
coloured linen with whites.


Watch the weight!

For best results, do not exceed
the weight limits stated below
(figures show weight of dry

- Resistant fabrics:

5,5 kg maximum

- Synthetic fabrics:

2.5 kg maximum

- Delicate fabrics:

2 kg maximum

- Pure new wool:

1 kg maximum

How to wash almost anything



Curtains tend to crease a great
deal. A useful tip to reduce
creasing: fold the cur tains and
place them in a pillow case or
mesh bag. Do not load anything
else inside the appliance, this
w i l l   e n s u r e   t h a t   t h e   o v e r a l l
weight does not exceed the half
load. Remember to use the
specific programme 



automatically excludes the spin



Once you have removed mud
and dirt from trainers, you can
even wash them with jeans or
any other tough garments. Do
not wash trainers with whites.


Quilted coats and anorak.

You can wash quilted coats and
wind-cheaters, too, if they are
padded with goose or duck
down. Do not load more than
2-3 kg and never load 5,5 kg.
Repeat rinse once or twice
using the gentle spin.


How much does it weigh?

1 sheet 400-500 gr.
1 pillow case 150-200 gr.
1 tablecloth 400-500 gr.
1 bathrobe 900-1,200 gr.
1 towel 150-250 gr.


Coloured T-shirts

, printed

ones and shirts last longer if  turned
inside out before washing.
Printed T-shirts and sweatshirts
should always be ironed inside out.


Dungaree  alert.

Ver y popular “salopette” type
overalls have straps with hooks
that can damage the drum of your
w a s h i n g   m a c h i n e   o r   o t h e r
garments during the wash. To
minimise the risk, place hooks in
the pocket and fasten with safety


H o l i d a y s :   u n p l u g   t h e


It is recommended that you
should unplug the machine from
the socket and turn off the water
supply. Leave the door ajar to
allow air circulation to the draw
and the door gasket area. This will
prevent unpleasant odours.

Instructions for installation and use



F o r   b e s t   r e s u l t s ,   w e
recommend you use a
specific detergent, taking
care not to wash more than

1 kg

 of laundry.


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