Мотобуры ADA GroundDrill-10 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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"Загружаем инструкцию", означает, что нужно подождать пока файл загрузится и можно будет его читать онлайн. Некоторые инструкции очень большие и время их появления зависит от вашей скорости интернета.
If there is an excessive amount of oil in the mixture, oily emissions from
the muffler (not burnt oil) are possible. Mix fuel and oil in a separate clean
container. To prepare the fuel mixture, fill a clean container with half the
amount of fuel to be used. Then add all oil.
Mix (shake) the fuel mixture. Add the remaining half of the fuel. Mix (shake)
the fuel mixture before filling the fuel tank. Always switch off the engine
before fuelling. Clean the area arond the tank cap to prevent dirt from
entering the tank. Mix the fuel well by shaking the container. Open the
fuel tank slowly to relieve possible overpressure. After refueling, carefully
tighten the fuel tank cap. Always move the ground drill at least 3 meters
from the fuel filling area before starting it.
1.Set the ignition switch to ON.
2. Press the fuel suction button on the carburetor several times so that fuel
flows through the cylinder and into the return pipe.
3. Pull the recoil starter quickly while holding the lever firmly in your hand
and preventing it from snapping back.
4. If you hear the engine start to start, return the choke lever to the RUN
position (OPERATION) (open). Then pull the recoil starter again quickly.
ATTENTION! If the engine does not start, repeat the operation.
: Ground drill is designed for the operation with 1 (density
600...1600 kg/m3) and 2 ( density 1600... 1900 kg/m3) classes of soil. Con-
tinuous working time of the ground drill with 1 class of soil (sand, clay sand,
vegetable soil, peat) doesn’t exceed 5 min. Continuous working time of the
ground drill with 2 class of soil (light loam, sand with crushed stone) is no
more than 3 min. Recommended interval between continuous usage is no
less than 15 min with full stoppage of the engine. It’s forbidden to decline
the ground drill from the axis of drilling more than 3°. Excessive deviation
can lead to the breakage of the gear case parts.
Never try to drill the hole on full depth of the auger bit. Drill step-by-step.
Excessive pressure on the ground drill can lead to the breakage of the gear
case, overheating of the engine and its breakdown. Deep the auger drill
on 20-30 cm and raise it slightly in the hole. Remove earth from the auger
bit. Don’t take out the whole rotating auger bit from the hole. It can lead to
the injury. Don’t speed up if the auger bit is jammed in the ground. It can
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