Bort BFP-350 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 8

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ning the unit with the 


 ow rate knob fully closed for 

any length of time.

We accept no responsibility for damage caused by 
the use of unsuitable substances, or paints that hare 
not been thinned correctly, and any health hazards 
that arise from lack of adequate ventilation


•  Interruption in the mains plug, mains lead or mains 

lead damage.

• Defectswitch.
•  Smoke or stench of scorched isolation.




Do not use textured wall paints or coatings as 
this wHIblock the nozzle.

To obtain the best results, it is important that you pre-
pare the surface to be sprayed and thin the paint to 
the correct viscosity, before you operate your spray 
gun. Always ensure that the surfaces to be sprayed 
are free from dust, dirt and grease. Make sure that you 
have masked the areas that should not be sprayed, 
using a good quality masking tape. The paint or 



to be sprayed should be thoroughly mixed and free 
from lumps or other particles. Many substances can 
be sprayed with your spray gun, but always check the 
manufacturers recommendations before purchasingy-
our paint.


Always rememberto disconnect from the 

mains sup-ply before 


 lling the paint contain-

er with sprayable material.

Most paints are supplied ready for brush application 
and will need to be thinned before they are suitable to 
be sprayed. Follow the manufacturers advice on thin-
ning the paint when used with a spray gun. The viscos-
ity cup will help you to determine the correct viscosity of 
paint to be used. To determine the correct viscosity, 



the cup to the brim with the paint. Measure the amount 
of time it takes for the cup to empty back into the can. 
The table below shows recommended times for differ-
ent types of material.

Plastic & latex paint

24 - 28 seconds

Water based paint

20-25 seconds


24-28 seconds


20-25 seconds

Oil based paints


Enamel paints


Aluminium paints

22-25 seconds


25-35 seconds

Wood sealers

28-35 seconds

Wood preservatives


Wood stains


If the paint takes longer than the recommended time to 
empty, then further thinning is required. Mix in a small 
quantity of the appropriate thinner and use the viscos-
ity test until the correct thickness is achieved. Some 
sprayable materials contain particles and lumps. These 
materials should be strained before 


 lling the paint con-




Fill the paint container with the correctly thinned and 
strained paint. Connect the spray gun to the mains 
supply. Aim the spray gun at a piece of scrap material 
and operate the trigger switch until paint is spraying. 
Adjust the output control 

 until the required volume 

of paint is spraying.



To obtain the best results, keep your spray gun level 
and parallel to the surface at all times.
Keep the nozzle 25 - 30 cm from the surface and spray 
evenly from side to side or up and down. Do not spray 
at an angle as this will lead to paint runs on the surface. 
Use smooth and even strokes. When spraying large 
areas, use a criss-cross pattern as shown.


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