STATUS RH-1800 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 11

Фрезеры STATUS RH-1800 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Loosen the set screw (8) of the depth measuring stick.


Loosen the height adjuster (12) and press the drilling tool with the handle (2) far under, 

so that it touches the work piece.


Secure this adjustment by tightening the height adjuster.


Make sure that the depth measuring stick (9) with the metal point (b1) is sitting on the 

depth stopper.


Now the starting position can be read from the read-o point on the depth measuring 

scale (a1).


The depthmeasuring stick (9) canbefinely adjusted, so that the desiredcentimeter 

number is displayed on the scale. Turn the fine adjuster of the depth measuring stick 

(10) in the desired direction.


The desired drilling depth can simply be subtracted fromthe displayed centimeter 

number. (Example: 4 cm is displayed on the scale, and you want to drill 2 mm. So the 

scale should be adjusted to display 3.8 cm.)


Lift the depth measuring stick up, so that the read-o point on the scale (a1) shows the 

corresponding value. (3.8 cm in the example)


Now adjust the depth measuring stick (9) with the new calibration. The depth 

measuring stick can be locked in position by tightening the set screw (8). You now have 

set the desired drilling depth.


Now loosen the height adjuster (12) to get the mould cutter ready for operation.

Drilling direction

The drilling must always turn in the opposite running direction of the drill counterrotation).

The rotation direction is indicated by the arrow (3) on the front of the machine. See 

illustration (H).

Turning On/Off


To operate the machine, first press and hold the safety latch (16). Then press and hold 

the big on/off switch (17). The drill is now turned on.


As soon as you let go of the on/off switch (17), the drill will turn o. In the case that you 

let go of the safety latch (16), the on/off switch (17) will be locked again.

Mould cutting


Loosen the height adjuster (12) and set the mould cutter on the work piece.


While operating, press the mould cutter until the height stopper (7) stops.


Continue pressing the mould cutter and tighten the height adjuster (12) again. Now 

push the mould cutter as desired by grasping both router handles.


To turn the machine o, simply let go of both orange buttons (16, 17) on the right 



Hold the router firmly until the motor has stopped.



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