Вытяжки Gaggenau AW 201-192 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Flexible aluminium pipes, corrosion-protected
sheet metal pipes and
exhaust air
pipes whose
material conforms to fire B1 in accordance with
DIN 4102 can be used. Exhaust air pipes should
have a nominal diameter of 150 mm.
Pay particular attention to ensuring
– the exhaust air ducts and pipes are kept as short
as possible
– the pipes are not laid at an acute angle, but as
bends and that they are inserted into the shaft at
an inclined upward angle and
– there are no cross-sectional constrictions in the
upward direction (this reduces the volume flow).
, the blow-out opening of the wall hood
is in the upward direction.
To pass exhaust air through the outer wall, we
recommend the use of our telescopic wall box
TM 150-045 (Ø 150).
To prevent the ingress of water, e.g. condensate or
rain water from an uncovered exhaust air shaft, our
condensate separator R V 060-150 must be installed
in the exhaust air line. The condensate separator
must still be acciessible after installation.
The duct units listed below are available
depending on the height of the ceiling:
Installation accessories for
exhaust air mode
Stainless steel-design ventilation duct:
AD 010-012
for ceiling heights of 2.25 - 2.64 m
AD 010-022
for ceiling heights of 2.64 - 3.03 m
Aluminium-design ventilation duct:
AD 011-012
for ceiling heights of 2.25 - 2.64 m
AD 011-022
for ceiling heights of 2.64 - 3.03 m
Installation accessories for
circulating air mode
Stainless steel-design ventilation duct:
AD 010-112
for ceiling heights of 2.36 - 2.64 m
AD 010-122
for ceiling heights of 2.64 - 3.03 m
Aluminium-design ventilation duct:
AD 011-112
for ceiling heights of 2.36 - 2.64 m
AD 011-122
for ceiling heights of 2.64 - 3.03 m
The dimensions above refer to a distance of 1.60 m
from the floor to the bottom edge of the hood.
If required, custom made duct units are available at
an extra charge.
The socket must be place behind the duct cover on
the wall.
Fig. 18
648 - 1438
hood height
min. 600
over electric cooker
min. 650
over gas cooker
2250 - 3030
ceiling height
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