Korting HK 4103 BX - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 21

Варочная панель Korting HK 4103 BX - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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- Press the "T" timer button.

- Set the time in "0" with the "-" button.

- When the "G" display and the "O" plate indicator stop blink-

ing, the function is deactivated.


 To display the residual cooking time, just press the 

cooking zone "E" of interest selection button.

Power Limiting:

The cooktop has a 2800 -3300 W POWER LIMITING SYSTEM.

The product can be set up with the following instructions:

- Disconnect and reconnect the appliance to the domestic 

power supply.

- Select the "B" button within 30 seconds after the reconnec-

tion to the domestic power supply.

- Press the "E1", "+" and "-" buttons simultaneously.

- 99 values are shown on the display.

- Use the "+" or "-" buttons to set the desired power (28 for 

2800 W, 33 for 3300 W, or 99 for no limitation).

- Having the desired power already set, press the "E1", "+" and 

"-" buttons simultaneously.

- The cooktop is adjusted to the desired power.

- To change the power again, repeat the whole procedure.


To avoid damaging electronic circuits, the board has an over-

heating safety system . When used at higher power levels for 

a long time, the cooktop can go off temporarily. The letters 

"Fs" are shown on the display until an ideal temperature is 





Remove any residues of food and drops of grease from 

the cooking surface using the special scraper supplied on 


Clean the heated area as thoroughly as possible using SIDOL, 

STAHLFIX or similar products and a cloth/paper, then rinse 

with water and dry with a clean cloth.

Using the special scraper (optional) immediately remove 

any fragments of aluminium and plastic material that have 

unintentionally melted on the heated cooking area or residues 

of sugar or food with a high sugar content. In this way, any 

damage to the cooktop surface is prevented.

Under no circumstances use abrasive sponges or irritating 

chemical detergents such as oven sprays or stain removers.




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