2E 43A06L (43A06L) - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 81

Телевизоры 2E 43A06L (43A06L) - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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8. Troubleshooting

Carry out the problem-solving measures described in the following section before 

contacting customer support. Turn off the device immediately as soon as you 

suspect a malfunction and unplug the power plug. Do not attempt to repair the 

device yourself. 



LCD screen stays Dark. 

Make sure the unit is turned on and the connections are correct. Make 

sure the power adapter is correctly connected.

There is no sound 

Make sure the system connection is correct. Make sure the power of 

speaker is turned on.

There is no picture or 

picture move up and 

down unsteady.

Make if the connections with the external AV signal source are correct.  

Correctly set the items in the picture menu.  

Check if the video type input signal is not corresponding to the unit.  

Make sure the unit is turned on and in correct video type.

The remote control does 

not work.

Make sure there are no obstructions between the remote control and the 


Make sure the remote control is pointing at the unit.  

Make sure the batteries are inserted or the polarity is correct. Make sure 

the batteries are not weak.  

Replace the weak battery

Other Notes: 

Static or other external interfere may cause the player to behave abnormally. If this 

occurs, unplug the power-supply cord from the outlet and plug it in again to reset 

the player. If the problems persist, then please disconnect the power and consult a 

qualified technician.


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