Bresser Pollux 150 1400 EQ2 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 17

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Pointing in any direction other than due North requires a combination of R.A. and Dec. positions. 
This can be visualized as a series of Dec. arcs, each resulting from the position of rotation around 
the R.A. axis. In practice however, the telescope is usually pointed, with the aid of a finderscope, 
by loosening both the R.A. and Dec. locks and swiveling the mount around both axes until the 
object is centered in the eyepiece. The swiveling is best done by placing one hand on the 
telescope tube and the other on the counterweight rod, so that the movement around both axes 
is smooth, and no extra lateral force is applied to the axis-bearings. When the object is centered, 
make sure the R.A. and Dec. locks are both retightened to hold the object in the field of view and 
allow tracking by adjusting R.A. only.

Telescopes with long focal lengths often have a "blind spot" when pointing near the zenith, 
because the eyepiece-end of the optical tube bumps into the mount's legs. To avoid this, the tube 
can be very carefully slipped up inside the ring clamps. This can be done safely because the tube 
is pointing almost vertically, and therefore moving it does not cause a Dec. balance problem. It is 
very important to move the tube back to the Dec. balanced position before observing other sky 

Something which can also be a problem is that the optical tube often rotates so that the 
eyepiece, finderscope and the focusing knobs are in less convenient positions. The diagonal 
mirror can be rotated to adjust the eyepiece. However, to adjust the positions of the finderscope 
and focusing knobs, loosen the tube rings holding the telescope tube and gently rotate it. Do this 
when you are going to observe an area for while, as it is inconvenient to repeat every time you 
briefly go to a new area.

Finally, there are a few things to consider to ensure that you are comfortable during the viewing 
session. First is setting the height of the mount above the ground by adjusting the tripod legs. You 
must consider the height that you want your eyepiece to be, and if possible plan on sitting on a 
comfortable chair or stool. Very long optical tubes need to be mounted higher or you will end up 
crouching or lying on the ground when looking at objects near the zenith. However, a short 
optical tube can be mounted lower so that there is less movement due to vibration sources, such 
as wind. This is something that should be decided before going through the effort of polar 
aligning the mount.


To attach a camera to your telescope you may need an adapter to get the camera focused. Some 
reflectors require wider motion range than the one allowed by the focuser; some refractors are 
designed to be used with diagonal mirrors and thus need a longer focal length when used with 

To achieve that, simply attach an extender to the focuser of your telescope and then attach the 
camera with a T-adapter to the extender. 

Camera adapter


Replace the dust cap over the front end of the telescope whenever it is not in use. This prevents 
dust from settling on the mirror or lens surfaces. Be careful when cleaning optics and try not to 
damage the coating. Use only special cleaning wipes.

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