Bresser Pollux 150 1400 EQ2 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 14

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Like all finderscopes, the red dot finder must be properly aligned with the telescope before use. 
This is a simple process using the azimuth and altitude adjustment knobs.

Open the battery compartment by pulling down the cover and remove the plastic shipping cover 
over the battery.
Turn on the red dot finder by rotating the variable brightness control clockwise until you hear a 
click. Continue rotating the control knob to increase the brightness level.
Insert a low power eyepiece into the focuser. Locate a bright object and aim the telescope so that 
the object is in the center of the field of view.
With both eyes open, look through the sight tube at the object. If the red dot overlaps the object, 
your red dot finder is perfectly aligned. If not, turn its azimuth and altitude adjustment knob until 
the red dot overlaps the object.

Balancing the telescope

A telescope should be balanced before each observing session. Balancing reduces stress on the 
telescope mount and allows precise slow-motion movements. A balanced telescope is especially 
crucial when using the optional clock drive for astrophotography. The telescope should be 
balanced after all accessories (eyepiece, camera, etc.) have been attached. Before balancing your 
telescope, make sure that your tripod is balanced and on a stable surface. For photography, point 
the telescope in the direction you will be taking photos before performing the balancing steps.

R.A. balancing

For best results, adjust the altitude of the mount to between 15º and 30º if possible, by using the 
altitude adjustment T-bolt.
Slowly unlock the R.A. and Dec. lock knobs. Rotate the telescope until both the optical tube and 
the counterweight rod are horizontal to the ground, and the telescope tube is to the side of the 
Tighten the Dec. lock knob.
Move the counterweights along the counterweight rod until the telescope is balanced and remains 
stationary when released.
Tighten the counterweight screws to secure the counterweights.

Dec. balancing 

All accessories should be attached to the telescope before balancing around the declination axis. 
The R.A. balancing should be done before proceeding with Dec. balancing.
For best results, adjust the altitude of the mount to between 60º and 75º if possible.
Release the R.A. lock knob and rotate around the R.A. axis so that the counterweight rod is in a 
horizontal position. Tighten the R.A. lock knob.
Unlock the Dec. lock knob and rotate the telescope tube until it is parallel to the ground.
Slowly release the telescope and determine in which direction it rotates. Loosen the telescope 
ring clamps and slide the telescope tube forward or backward between the rings until it is 
Once the telescope no longer rotates from its parallel starting position, retighten the tube rings 
and the Dec. lock knob. Reset the altitude axis to your local latitude.

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