Timberk TFH S20QSS.G - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 4

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www.timberk.com • Electric fan heater


5. Store the unit in a cool or warm place. Do not store the unit in a damp room.
6. The plug must match the standard outlet and enter it without any effort. If the 

plug doesn’t enter the outlet or enters it too tightly, turn the plug vertically 180° 

and try again.
If you still cannot plug it then you need to call for an electrician to replace the 

electric outlet. Never use the unit if the plug is not fully connected to the outlet.
7. If the power cord is damaged, it must be repaired by a skilled specialist. Never 

try to repair it on your own. This may harm your health and affect the unit’s 

guarantee maintenance.
8. To prevent injuries or damage of the property due to overheating, fire or 



do not place the heater nearby furniture and flammable objects.


do not dry clothes, towels or any other materials by means of the heater.

9. It is not recommended to use extension cords. If it is still necessary, try to use 

the shortest possible extension cord with the wire strand section of the extension 

cord not less than the wire strand section of the cord of the fan heater.


10. Do not leave the operating unit for a long time without any supervision.
11. Place the unit only vertically on even and dry surfaces.
12. Bad contact between the power cord plug of the heater and an electric 

outlet may result in overheating of the plug. If necessary, make sure to replace 

old outlets.
13. Poor contact beween the pover cord plug of the heater and an electric outler 

may result in overhaeting of the plug.


If nessary, make sure to perlance old outlets.
Use ~220-240V/50Hz electric mains to connect the 

Make sure that electric applianses are not connected 

to the same electric circuit (for example, an extension 

cord) used for the heater. Circuit overload may result in 

failures of lightng, melting of wiring and fire.


Apperance of smell/smoke is possible at first use. Do 

not care, this means that an oll drop got oto the glowing 

spiral during manufacturing. The drop will quickly 

evanorate and no smoke/ smell will appear anymore.


Main features

1. Thanks to its small size and weight, the fan heater is convenient to be 

placed in any room where additional air heating is required.
2. Durable and flameproof metal-ceramic heating element provides quick 

and effective air heating, doesn’t pollute the environment and doesn’t burn 

3. Direct current electric motor with low noise.
4. A fuse and thermal limiter protect the fan heater from overheating.

14. The heater’s power cord must not be pressed down by furniture or be laid in 

places where it can be easily stepped on.
15. Do not use the fan heater in rooms with increased humidity, nearby bath-

rooms, shower bath, pools, ponds, i.e. in places where it may be tipped over 

into water, or water or water drops may contact it. 
16. Do not place the heater on uneven or unstable surfaces. It is also forbidden 

to mount the above an electric coutler, provided that the hot air flow vill contact it.
17. The heater is not designed for industrial application. It is used only as an 

additional means of heating. 
Make sure to take this information into consideration.

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