Timberk TFH S20QSS.G - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 3

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www.timberk.com • Electric fan heater 


Dear customer!!

Thank you for good choice and purchase of Timberk electric fan 

heater. It will serve you for a long time.

Timberk electric fan heater is designed to heat and create a 

comfortable environment indoors during cold season. The fan 

heater can be installed only in a vertically on a rigid foundation, 

where there is possible to connect to ~220-240V, 50Hz single-

phase power supply wiring. 

The heater based on a standard metal ceramic heating 

element is convenient and easy-to-install, economical in use 

in connection with minimum energy losses, increased heat 

exchange and effective distribution of the air flow.

Please, read this operation manual carefully prior to assembly 

and use of the product.

Please, read this operation manual carefully prior to use of the fan heater.
This operation manual contains important information regarding your 

safety, as well as recommendations on the proper operation of the unit and 

its maintenance.
Save this operation manual together with the guarantee card, cash register 

receipt, if possible, cardboard box and packing material.
The purchased fan heater can slightly differ from the one, described in the 

manual, but that doesn’t affect the methods of its use and operation.

A number of precautions is to be observed upon operation of the fan heater. 

Improper operation as a result of ignoring precautions may harm health of the 

user and other people, as well as damage their property.
1. To prevent the risk of an electric shock:


Always disconnect the unit from the mains when it is not used! There is a slight 

chance of an electric shock due to static voltage Even if the unit is switched off.


Never use the unit in a situation when it can contact water.


Never connect the unit to electric mains if its surface is damp (wet).


If you discover any damage of the power cord, never switch on the unit, 

but return the unit to an authorized service center of the manufacturer for an 

adequate repair.
2. Any electric appliance must always be kept watched, especially if there are 

children nearby it. Always watch out for children not to touch the unit by hand.
3. Unplug the power cord from electric mains prior to preventive cleaning of the 

unit, including upon a wet dust removal from its surface. 
4. To switch off the unit, set the main switch to “O” position (Off). Disconnect the 

power cord plug from the outlet.



Important precautions and instructions, contained in 

this manual, do not account for all possible modes and 

situations to be encountered. It is vital to understand 

that common sense, caution and thoroughness are the 

factors that are impossible to be built-in in any product.
These factors must be taken into consideration by man 

who is interested in the proper operation of the unit. 

The manufacturer does not bear any responsibility in 

case when the unit or its parts are damaged during 

transportation, as a result of improper instatllation, 

voltage fluctuations, as well as if some part of the unit 

was altered or modified.



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