Мотобуры ADA Ground Drill 7 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.
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Drill - 5/7
7. Don´t start operation, until you are sure that the working area is clean. Keep flames and sparks from engine and fuel to
prevent fire.
8. Never run engine in a poorly ventilated area where the exaust fumes may be trapped and not easily taken away.
9. Move ground drill without power, detach the auger.
10. Replace auger if there are cracks and damages on it.
11. Use the mixture of fuel with octane level 92 and oil for 2 -stroke engines, in the ratio 25:1.
12. Never fill your fuel tank with the engine running. Stop engine and allow to cool before filling. Keep the engine from flames
and sparks. Never smoke while you fill your fuel tank.
13. Never remove the fuel cap with the engine running. Always keep (min 3m) the instrument (before starting) from the area
with spilled fuel.
14. Always keep the handles of the instrument dry and clean.
15. Before starting ensure that auger is not locked.
16. Never touch auger and don´t do servicing with engine running.
17. After you start the engine or before you stop working let the engine work at no load 2-3 min. Never stop suddenly the engine
at great speed.
18. Keep the instrument with both hands. Keep all parts of your body away from the auger and muffler.
19. Move the instrument during operation at no load.
20. Never touch the coating of spark plug or wire if the engine is running. Or electric shock may occur.
21. Store the instrument in an upright position with empty fuel tank.
22. Regularly check, adjust, repair and clean the instrument.
23. Don´t disassemble return starter. You can be seriously hurt.
24. Contact service center for maintenance that is not mentioned in this manual.
25. If your instrument is not suitable for use any more, dispose of it. Make sure that you don´t do damage to the environment.
- 4 Наименование; Тип двигателя; Технические характеристики; подземных коммуникаций.
- 6 Выбор подходящего шнека; стартер, Вы можете получить травму от возвратной пружины.
- 7 Операции; ему защелкиваться назад.
- 8 Бурение; Неполадок карбюратора; Чистка воздушного фильтра; его следует регулярно заменять на новый.
- 9 На состояние свечи зажигания влияет:; Передача
- 10 Подготовка к консервации
- 11 Техобслуживание
- 12 Гарантия; использование прибора в необычных условиях.
- 13 посторонних предметов внутрь.
- 14 ГАРАНТИЙНЫЙ ТАЛОН; ввезенное на территорию РФ официальным импортером.
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