Pioneer KEH-P6011R - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 20

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PI Seek Function

The tuner searches for another frequency broadcasting the same programming. “PI SEEK”
appears on the display and the radio volume is muted during a PI Seek. The muting is discon-
tinued after completion of the PI Seek, whether or not the PI seek has succeeded. If the PI
Seek is unsuccessful, the tuner returns to the previous frequency.

PI Seek

If the tuner fails to locate a suitable alternative frequency or if the broadcasting signal is
too weak for proper reception, the PI Seek will automatically start.

Auto PI Seek (for preset station)

When preset stations cannot be recalled, as when traveling long distances, this product can
be set to perform PI Seek also during preset recall.
The default setting for Auto PI Seek is OFF.


• Refer to “Initial Setting” for details on how to switch Auto PI Seek ON/OFF.

Regional Function (REG)

When AF is used to retune the tuner automatically, REG (regional) limits the selection to
stations broadcasting regional programs.


• Regional programming and regional networks are organized differently depending on the country

(i.e., they may change according to the hour, state or broadcast area).

• The preset number may disappear on the display if the tuner tunes in a regional station which dif-

fers from the originally set station.

• REG can be switched ON or OFF independently for each FM band.

Activating/Deactivating the REG Function

The REG function is set to ON by default.

1. Press the FUNCTION button and select the REG mode (REG) in the

Function Menu.

2. Activate or deactivate REG while in an FM band.

Using RDS Functions


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