Ecosoft FPC1054CT - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 3

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1.1. Overview

Ecosoft  media  systems  are  automatic  water  treatment  appliances  using  bed  filtration  to 
remove impurities. Ecosoft filters consist of the following main parts:
•  pressure vessel made of fiberglass reinforced plastic

•  automatic control valve mounted on the pressure vessel
•  riser pipe, top and bottom distributors

•  filter media

•  (FK and FU systems only) brine tank with brine system

Ecosoft filters are used for treatment of household water, steam boiler and heating circuit 
feed water, and other commercial and industrial water treatment processes. Different series 
of Ecosoft filters are intended for removal of different types of impurities.

Pressure  vessel  size  determines  the  quantity  of  filter  media,  flow  capacity,  and  volume 
capacity  of  the  filter.  When  water  passes  through  the  filter,  the  filter  bed  accumulates 

impurities that it works to remove. After using up the volume capacity of water, the material’s 

holding  capacity  or  exchange  capacity  becomes  exhausted  and  the  filter  stops  removing 
more impurities (or the pressure drop builds up to critical value). At this point, the filter must 

be rinsed or brine regenerated to restore its capacity. Volume capacity depends on the 

quantity of filter media and composition of raw water.

When  exhausted,  non  brine  regenerated  filters  are  backwashed  and  then  forward  rinsed 
to  release  the  accumulated  impurities.  Brine  regenerated  filters  undergo  backwash,  then 

rinse with brine from the brine tank to release hardness ions from ion exchange sites, then 

forward rinse and brine tank fill.

Ecosoft filters use the following naming conventions:


Type of system: FU, FK, FP, FPA or FPC

(described in the following section)


Pressure tank size: ‘12’ inch diameter, ‘52’ inch tank height

(first two digits indicate the diameter, second two digits indicate the height)


Control valve type: CE, CI, CT or DV

(described in the following sections)



Special types of systems

 (Cabinet, Twin, Duplex etc)



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