Neff I71F57N0 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 15

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The extractor hood

is designed for

installation on the kitchen ceiling or on a rigid
suspended ceiling.

During installation, optional accessories may

also require fitting.

Observe the minimum distance between

hob and extractor hood (see ”Safety

Avoid damaging the sensitive surfaces!

Preparing the ceiling


Before drilling the holes for the designated
installation location, check for concealed
electrical cables and other lines.

The ceiling must be level and horizontal.

The enclosed screws and wall plugs are

suitable for concrete and natural stone. Use the
appropriate fasteners for other ceiling
Ensure that the ceiling has adequate load
bearing capacity.

Ensure that the depth of the drilled holes

corresponds with the length of the screws.

Ensure that the wall plugs are secure.

Max. weight in kg: 50

Design subject to modification in line with
technical development.

Installing the upper support frame


Specify the total height of the support
frame before installation and mark the
screw holes. The height of the support
frame can be adjusted in 20 mm steps.
The total height is measured from the
height of the ceiling, the height of the
worktop and the corresponding distances
between the hob and extractor hood.


On the ceiling mark the centre point of the
extractor hood.


Using the enclosed template, mark the
positions for the screws on the ceiling.


Drill 4x 8 Ø mm holes and press in wall
plugs flush with the ceiling.


Attach the upper part of the support frame
to the ceiling with 4 screws.


Ensure that the support frame is in the
correct position. The middle bracket
defines the preferred side. It must be facing
the hob control.


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