Telefunken TF-LED32S35T2 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 15

Телевизоры Telefunken TF-LED32S35T2 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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General Information


General Information


Below is a table describing simple measures that can help you eliminate most problems likely 

to emerge when this unit is in use. If below measures do not help, turn to a service center or to the 

nearest dealer.




No picture, no 

sound, and no 

indicator light

The power cord is not plugged in.

Contrast, brightness, color and 

volume are all in the minimum value 

or TV is in mute mode.

Plug the power cord in.

Alter the value of contrast, 

brightness, color and volume.

Picture and 

sound with 


Contrast and color are set improperly.

Color system is set improperly.

Sound system is set improperly.

Set the value of Contrast and color 


Set the sound system properly.

The picture in 

VGA mode is 


The PC settings may be improper.

Check and set the resolution 

parameters of your PC.

Picture is spotted 

or with snow

Signal source is low-grade or the 

signal is in a lower quality.

Use the qualified signal cord.

Blue background No video signal or the signal cord is 

improperly/not connected.

Connect the signal cord properly.

No sound

No audio signal or the signal cord is 

improperly/not connected.

Connect the audio signal cord 


Set the sound system properly.

The RC does not 


Batteries are improperly installed or 


Make sure the positive and the 

negative polarities are correct.

Reattach the battery lid.

Replace the batteries.

Causes of interference

Incorporated in your TV receiver are the most up-to-date devices to eliminate interference. 

Local radiation however, can create disturbances, which visibly affect your picture. Proper 

installations, a good aerial are your best safeguards against these disturbances.

• RF INTERFERENCE: Moving ripples across the screen are caused by nearby transmitting or

receiving short-wave radio equipment.

• DIATHERMY: Herringbone pattern and partial picture loss can result from the operation of

diathermy equipment from a nearby doctor’s surgery or hospital.

• SNOW: Weak TV signals from long distant stations result in an instead picture and give the

effect of falling snow. An antenna adjustment or antenna amplifier may be needed.

• GHOST: Multiple image, caused by TV signals reflected back from surrounding buildings,

hills, aircraft, etc. is minimized by correct aerial positioning.

• CAR IGNITION: Nearby cars and electrical motors can cause small streaks across the picture

or make the picture roll.

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