Karcher SE 4001 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 11

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The appliance is not suitable for 

vacuuming dust which endan-

gers health.


The water level limiter must 

be cleaned regularly and 

checked for signs of damage.

Switch off the device immedi-

ately in the event of foam or 

fluid escape!

If not indicated differently in 

the operating instructions of 

the appliance, liquid media 

must only be vacuumed up to 

a temperature of 45 °C.


The appliance is not suitable for 

vacuuming dust which endan-

gers health, unless expressly 

specified otherwise.

Please follow the safety recom-

mendations in the Operating In-



Protect the appliance against 


The device is only suitable for 

vacuuming coolants or lubri-

cants with the corresponding 



Use only brushes that are 

provided with the appliance 

or specified in the Operations 

Manual. The use of other 

brushes can affect the safety 

of the appliance.

Please keep in mind that the 

power cord or extension ca-

ble can be damaged when 

run over by the vacuum head 

with rotating brushes.


Do not submerge the hose in 

water while cleaning.


In appliances with screwed 

wheel rims: Please check and 

confirm that all the screws of 

the rim are tightened before 

correcting the tire filling pres-


Check the pressure reducer 

on the compressor for the 

correct setting before correct-

ing the tire pressure.

Do not exceed maximum tyre 

pressure. The permissible 

tyre pressure must be read on 

the tyre or on the rim. If there 

are different values, use the 

lower one.

Wet vacuum

Appliances with rotating 


Appliances with electrical 

connections in the suction 


Appliances with air tires




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