Neoclima NS-12 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 61

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 Page 22 

Indoor Unit 


Step 4: Prepare refrigerant piping

The refrigerant piping is inside an insulating 
sleeve attached to the back of the unit. You 
must prepare the piping before passing it 
through the hole in the wall. 

1.  Based on the position of the wall hole relative 

to the mounting plate, choose the side from 
which the piping will exit the unit. 

2.  If the wall hole is behind the unit, keep the 

knock-out panel in place. If the wall hole is to 
the side of the indoor unit, remove the plastic 
knock-out panel from that side of the unit. 



If existing connective piping is already 

embedded in the wall, proceed directly to 


Connect Drain Hose

 step. If there is no  

embedded piping, connect the indoor unit’s 

refrigerant piping to the connective piping 

that will join the indoor and outdoor units. 

Refer to the 

Refrigerant Piping Connection



section of this manual for detailed instructions.


Refrigerant piping can exit the indoor unit from 

four different angles:Left-hand side,Right-hand 
side, Left rear, Right rear. 


Knock-out Panel


Be extremely careful not to dent or damage 
the piping while bending them away from
the unit. Any dents in the piping will affect 
the unit’s performance. 

Step 5:


Connect drain hose

By default, the drain hose is attached to the left-

hand side of unit (when you’re facing the back 

of the unit). However, it can also be attached to 

the right-hand side. To ensure proper drainage, 
attach the drain hose on the same side that your 
refrigerant piping exits the unit. 



Wrap the connection point firmly with Teflon
tape to ensure a good seal and to prevent leaks. 


Remove the air filter and pour a small amount 

of water into the drain pan to make sure that 

water flows from the unit smoothly.


Make sure to arrange the drain hose 

according to the following figures. 



To prevent unwanted leaks 
you must plug the unused 
drain hole with the rubber 
plug provided. 


Make sure there are no kinks
or dent in drain hose to ensure 
proper drainage.   


Kinks in the drain hose 

will create water traps.


Do not place the end of the 
drain hose in water or in 
containers that collect water. 
This will prevent proper 


Kinks in the drain hose 

will create water traps.


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