Sven KB-G9400 - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 24

Клавиатуры Sven KB-G9400 - инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Gaming Keyboard 

Fig. 8.




 mode the keyboard is illuminated alternately by all 7 colors. The flicker frequency is set by 

the user by adjusting the Frequency.




 mode, the vertical highlighting of 7 possible colors. The frequency of color change is 

set by the user by adjusting the Frequency. It is possible to customize visual effect.



Comet tail 

mode, a visual effect is displayed «comet's tail» with alternation of up to seven set 

backlight colors. The brightness and color frequency are set by the user in the settings.



Single water

 mode, the backlight is moved vertically with the specified color gradation, or 

one color. The duration and brightness of the effect are set by the Frequency and Brightness 

controls. It is possible to change their display settings for this effect.



Flow water

 mode, all keypad backlighting indicators are switched on alternately and then 

switched off horizontally with the specified color gradation, or one color. The duration and 

brightness of the effect are set by the Frequency and Brightness controls. It is possible to change 

their settings for this effect.




mode, there is an alternation with a given frequency of two backlight colors. The color 

of the pairs varies according to the color gradation scale specified in the settings of this mode.



Water wave 

mode, the effect of shadow movement is superimposed alternately on the 

background color of the backlight, according to the colors specified in the settings.




 mode, all keypad keys are highlighted in different colors, there are no lighting 


Working with the Macro menu item

This menu adjusts the macro.


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