Ardesto GK-2000M - Инструкция по эксплуатации - Страница 29

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7.  Plate Release Buttons: Push 

in to release and remove 

cooking plates

8.  Hinge Release Lever: 

Allows the cover to lay 

back for cooking in the flat 



Once the appliance is assembled properly and you are ready to 

begin cooking, turn the Selector to the left to choose the Griddle 

function or to the right to choose the Grill/Panini function, 

depending on what you intend to cook. When the knob is turned 

to either function, a green indicator light will illuminate to indicate 

that the power is on.
If you intend to use the appliance as a Flat Grill or Griddle, but you 

do not need the entire surface, use the bottom plate.
It may take up to 8 minutes to reach operating temperature, 

depending on the temperature level that was set. When the 

thermostat has reached operating temperature, a green indicator 

light inside the chosen control will indicate that the appliance is 

ready for cooking. During operation, the light will continue to turn 

on and off as the thermostat regulates the temperature. This is 

The temperature controls are used to set and maintain the 

temperature of the cooking surface. You may vary the setting of the 

control knob at any time during cooking, and may wish to do so 

depending on the types of foods on the cooking plate. 
Always exercise caution when handling the appliance during 

cooking. To open the appliance grasp the black plastic area of 

the handle. This part of the handle stays cool to the touch while 




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